Quite self contradictory and incoherent. Good example of speaking from both sides of the mouth. Before Moses ever met Pharoah, God declared (not predicted), that HE shall harden Pharaoh's heart. And not because of anything Pharoah did it or didn't do, but for his "own glory". Pharoah changed his mind multiple times even with such an anti-Pharoah writer as we find in the writer of Exodus. At some point Moses even appeared to feel sad for the Pharoah, probably because no sane person would see half of that and not capitulate, and Moses probably saw that the Pharoah was under some influence.
To say that's the path Pharoah had set for himself is to deny that Pharoah was incapable of changing his mind because he decided not to. It's is to deny that God declared, not predicted, that only when He has dealt with Egypt to his satisfaction will Pharoah let them go.
Even Paul struggled to find a coherent answer that leaves God's goodness and freewill intact