Entry 2
I always thought I could solder. After all I am a penultimate Electrical and Electronics Engineering undergraduate. Nwa FUTO. A whole Imperial Majesty Though I outsourced all my basic electronics projects in year two and only actually soldered in a practical class(once if my memory serves me right), c’mon, I am supposed to be the mirror image of circuitry. The visible image of the invisible electron. Long story short, it turns out I am the RENT in current, the CON in connection. For the past 8+ days, my fingertips have been subjected to burns of varying designs. My once beautiful digits are now black at the tip(Lord Connigton of Griffin roost might relate) and hurt with every touch. Yet, I haven’t been able to successfully complete my solderinv task. Twice I took my work for appraisal. Twice my work was weighed and found wanting. Yet in the beginning, the exercise looked simple...during demonstration of course. Turns out the simplicity ended with the demonstration and I have suddenly come to appreciate Melisandre’s thoughts that "the more effortless a sorcery appears, the more men fear the sorcerer". And indeed, while nursing another burn on my left middle finger, the idea that the demonstration was a sleight of the hand seemed more attractive... until another intern submitted successfully. Thunder fire Desmond Elliot. Hell or high water, I will be back at it today, burning more tips.
In other news, it appears that the anarchy that was once a peculiar characteristic of the North East is now gaining grounds in the South East. And while everyone seems to have a different opinion as to why His Excellency, The President and Grand Commander of the Federal Republic cannot put up an in-person appearance and take the situation under control, 8t seems we are all agreed about those responsible for the mayhem in the South East: the ever ubiquitous, indefatigable and ever resourceful unknown gunmen. Sometimes, in all seriousness, I ask: Is it really inspired by the Faceless men of Bravoos? The Unknown Gunmen of the East? I mean, they always seem to hit their target, never get caught or identifed.(except that one time, when J'ghar or was it that fulani guy?). Oh well.
The Greenfield students are finally out of captivity, having spent(their families) 180 million naira in ransom. A bitter-sweet experience I must say, some families just spent all they have to their names to secure their children's release. It is getting harder to sleep, knowing that you are indeed and truly helpless in face of a crisis. But if there is anything I believe in, it is in the resilience of man.